Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+)

In this blog post, you'll learn about our NAD+ IV Drip and how you can benefit from it

What is NAD+ and how can it help?

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) has two forms—one active and one inactive. In
its active form, it is known as NAD+, and in its inactive form, it is known as NADH. The
body’s immune system relies on genes called sirtuins. These detect when the body is under
stress, such as during exercise, illness, or when you’re hungry. They effectively repair the
body as it goes, keeping it in better condition for longer and contributing to a longer lifespan

Why get an NAD+ drip?

Anti-aging: NAD+ plays a pivotal role in cellular metabolism and is a co-substrate for
enzymes that play key roles in pathways that modify aging. It helps reverse the effects of
oxidation in the body, repairing damaged cells.
Inflammation: NAD+ regulates immune function and inflammation. It protects against acute
kidney injury and can also improve the inflammation response of the heart.

Cognitive function: By improving the ability of cells to repair themselves, NAD+ can slow
the rate of neurodegeneration preventing the onset conditions such as dementia. Also
Improves memory, and focus.
Obesity: Evidence suggests reduced levels of NAD+ can also lead to conditions such as
obesity and or cancer. NAD+ helps regulate production of stress and appetite-related
hormones, thanks to its effects on circadian rhythms.
Overall, NAD+ is crucial to the body’s function. Adding NAD+ to your healthcare routine
will restore, recharge, and aid in immune support, combat inflammation, weight loss, support
cognitive function, decrease risk of heart diseases, and increase healing.

Possible side effects of the above infusion include but not limited to:

  • Discomfort at the infusion site
  • Lightheadedness  
  • Vasovagal reaction (fainting) 
  • Feeling flush


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MyGlow Vitamin Injections

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